Branko's HOME Page

Hi, this is my home website. It is dedicated to my professional and academic interests. I only update it periodically.

After a lifetime in the industry and partially in academia, I retired. Still live in London and am still a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS). Since my retirement, I was also appointed a Director of RSS (Services) Ltd. A voluntary position. Now I have more time to spend doing things that I have always been passionate about, which are the uses and practicalities of stats and quants.

One of the purposes of this website is to act as a repository for some of the resources that go with various books that I published on Amazon. In addition, I have uploaded into the Tutorial section several very interesting articles I worked on recently. This website also lists all my other publications. Hope you find the content of this website useful.

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Hope you find it useful, and if you need to contact me, my home email is: